Course on Full Stack Development -MERN
Course Overview
Over time, the MERN stack has emerged as a top choice among full stack developers. Its appeal lies in being an all-JavaScript stack, attracting more developers due to its simplified learning curve. MERN stack offers numerous advantages over other development stacks.
The MERN stack is a collection of JavaScript-based technologies tailored for building dynamic web applications and hybrid mobile apps. It comprises MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js – the key technologies utilized within the stack.
Elevate your career as a web developer with our Full-Stack Web Developer course, where you’ll master both front and back-end JavaScript technologies of the popular MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js) Stack.
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Course Duration
180 Hours
2 Hours / Day
Flexible Learning
Online / Offline
What you'll learn
- Frontend- HTML, CSS, Javascript
- Bootstrap, jquery
- MERN stack Theory
- Understanding the General App Idea
- React JS- Frontend App
- Introduction to Database
- MongoDB & Mongoose
- Express JS
- Software Development Architecture (MVC)
- CORS Policy
- Node JS
- Connecting React app to backend
- Authentication & Authorization
- Git & Github
- Application deployment
Who Can Learn This Course?
- Computer/IT Students
- Aspiring web developers
- Experienced developers who want to add MEAN/MERN stack
- Remote Workers
- Developers who want to move from frontend to bakcend